Manfredo Manfredi – Full Interview about Introducing Technology in Latin America
Latin American Regional Manager, Manfredo Manfredi, provides insights into the mining market and how to best introduce new technologies.
Ax legal/Manfredo Manfredi - Differences between Latin American countries.
Ax legal/Manfredo Manfredi - How important is it to have a local presence?
Ax legal/Manfredo Manfredi - What are the challenges with managing a business in Latin America?
Ax legal/Manfredo Manfredi - What are the typical pitfalls companies fall into?
Ax legal/Manfredo Manfredi - Cultural differences between Latin American countries.
Ax legal/Manfredo Manfredi - Introduction
Ax legal/Manfredo Manfredi - Tips for working with distributors in Latin America
Ax legal/Manfredo Manfredi - Where do you start the sales process?
Ax legal/Manfredo Manfredi - The biggest challenge when trying to sell from abroad.