Colombia always had the potential to become a major mining jurisdiction but the mining sector is now completely frozen. There is a high level of uncertainty due to the governments push to reform the mining code, create a state mining company, and new a environmental decree.
Southern Copper announced that the Tia Maria project is scheduled to start construction before or by early 2025, with operations expected to start in 2027. This is a big win for the Peruvian mining industry since the project has been the poster child for community opposition that the country has been dealing with over the last decade.
BHP’s bid to take over Anglo American is for the large part about increasing copper exposure. We take a deeper look at Anglo’s Latin American operations to understand how they play into BHP’s strategy to acquire more copper production.
Chile is advancing its hydrogen pipeline. Although there have been only demonstration plants and pilots operating to date, there is around 60 projects that have been announced, worth billions of dollars in investment. This year there will be five or six large-scale projects that will enter the environmental impact assessment system.
The Peruvian Energy and Mines Ministry (Minem) recently released their updated forecasts on the project pipeline which now consists of 51 mining projects that include an investment of US$54.5 billion. We outline the new projects added to the list this year, as well as those that are projected to go into construction for 2024.
Argentina’s mining industry is still under developed even though the country holds significant mineral resources. This is set to change over the next few years with a renewed focus by industry players and foreign investors who see the potential for world class copper deposits that could catapult Argentina onto the list of top 10 global producers by 2030.
Antofagasta Minerals has been aggressive with their plans to not only increase production but to improve the sustainability of its operations. With several significant project announcements in recent weeks, Antofagasta Mineral’s is well on its way to reach production levels of 900 thousand tons over the next few years. Check out our summary to find out more about Antofagasta Minerals operations and plans.