

Ax Legal provides legal counsel to junior mining companies and investors helping them to develop their projects and navigate the local market.

  • We advise clients in anything related to mining regulation, environmental law, and water law, all of which are deeply connected and are necessary for the development of a mining project.
  • We assist clients with the due diligence and evaluation of projects before being acquired. 
  • We advise in the financing, structuring and development of exploration and mining projects.
  • We advise clients on the most optimal contractual structure for project development including drafting and negotiating option agreements.
  • We advise clients on obtaining all the necessary permits to operate.
  • Our team has helped hundreds of companies over their careers with the acquisition of mining properties. This includes providing due diligences on the mining titles, drafting, and negotiating options agreements, and providing on-going legal advice throughout the life of those projects.
  • Our team has helped foreign companies to minimize in-country staff by outsourcing the development of their projects to qualified consultants. This includes managing their exploration programs and technical consultants such as community relations and environmental.

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