There has been a lot of media attention about the impact that lithium produced from Chile has on the local ecosystem. To increase production, companies will need to navigate the environmental impacts of water usage and technology will be the key to doing so. Chile is the testing ground for new technologies and there are many eyes watching to see if it can accomplished.
Full storyWho is Winning the Hydrogen Race in Latin America?
Latin America has the right conditions to become a major hydrogen production hub. To build a sustainable industry, each country will need to have well thought out public policies, the ability to attract huge amounts of foreign investment, international partnerships, and the ability to export the final product to international markets. Find out who is winning the hydrogen race in Latin America.
Full storyMexico Mining – Construction Project Pipeline for 2022
Mexico is an important mining jurisdiction. There is a lot of opportunities for suppliers with a healthy pipeline of new projects under construction. We have provided some information on the construction portfolio with some project information.
Full storyHow the Chilean Mining Royalty will Impact the Industry
The Chilean government introduced the tax reform bill with proposed increases to the mining royalty to help fund social programs such as health care and pensions. We have provided a high-level assessment to help you understand how the increase to mining royalty will impact the industry.
Full storyCodelco Update – One More Desalination Plant for Chile
Chile has faced a decade-long drought that has impacted local communities and whole industries alike. Codelco recently announced that it will build the country’s second largest desalination facility to provide water to the Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, and Minister Hales Divisions.
Full storyInsights into Chile’s Water Scarcity – Interview with Dr. Giancarlo Barassi
Chile has faced a decade-long drought that has impacted local communities and whole industries alike. We interviewed Dr. Giancarlo Barassi, an expert in desalination and water reuse, who provided us insight into solutions and technologies that could help the country overcome the challenge.
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